Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Lesson in Economics

Our family has been going through "car emergencies" over the past 10 days.  My husband's car needs repair work equivalent to the 'Blue Book' value of the car.  Should we fix or replace?  Fixing is less expensive now, but more things can go wrong in the days and months ahead which could potentially be a lot of money.  Replace?  We have enjoyed NOT having a car payment for the last 13 months!

Well, we have decided that a "new to us" new car would be the best decision.  Rod is a realtor and needs a reliable vehicle for his business.  He will be driving a 2009 Chevrolet Equinox beginning tomorrow.  What a difference from his previous car!

My van (2004 Chevolet Venture Van) had the privilege of $800 worth of brake work on Thursday.  All the horrible noise is gone!  Praise the Lord!  Now, our prayer is that the van will not need any more major work for a while.  The van is the "Driver's Education" vehicle for our 16 year old twins.  Brakes are a good thing!

What a learning opportunity for the teenagers to watch us work through the car decision. We all needed a reminder to "tighten our belts" during this time and not spend needlessly.

How are you getting along during this trying economic time?  What ways are you saving money or spending less?

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